registration opens april 1 for the 2024-2025 season
Thoroughly read through the 2024-2025 Team Packet & Policies/Procedures and ensure that you are able to fully commit to and adhere to our program.
Register each athlete individually using the registration link
Upon completing registration, it will direct you to create an iclass account with us and make your first payment (registration) of $175.
*Things to Note*
Your spot is not reserved until you have paid your registration fee.
At this time, we are only accepting a limited number of registrants per team on a first-come, first-served basis. If we reach the maximum registrants for any team, we will inform you that you have been put on a waitlist pending an open position or creation of a new team.
(Team Placement is determined by the coaches based on skill level as well as age restrictions.)
Thank you for your interest and patience as we get this season off to a great start!